Our P & C Community
The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) welcomes new members.
President: Jeff Krause
Vice Presidents: Neil Hoy , Denis Ratcliffe
Membership Secretary: Kay Ratcliffe
The P&C is very proud of our two Life Members:
Nola Dunstan
Kay Ratcliffe
Donated BBQ 2020
Our Woppaburra Community
Woppaburra are the traditional custodians of Konomie Island.
Contact: Confidential. The centre principal will be able to provide this information.
Naidoc Week 2019
This feature appeared in the Spectator news magazine ( August 16 2019).
Woppaburra Festival
The Woppaburra Festival event was designed to allow traditional owners/descendants to be on country and sign off on two significant agreements. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has signed a TUMRA agreement for the next 10 years whilst NKIEEC has signed a statement of intent.
Russell Reichel the chair of the GBRMPA , Bill Ludwick the local Mayor, Woppaburra Elders, 65 traditional descendants, GBRMPA staff and NKIEEC staff were at NKIEEC for the signing of these historic agreements. A great event with much laughter, songs, workshops, reminiscing and banter about being on country. We feel privileged to be part of the positive journey with both the GBRMPA and the traditional owners.
Woppaburra Events and Awards
Townsville award ceremony 2017.
Woppaburra Projects
Constructing a Durra.
Naidoc Week 2019. Whale tail sculpture by artist who is a descendant.

Welcome to Country sign

Outrigger art

The dining room steps have language displayed to encourage visitors to understand important information. Wonderful idea.
A whole school/centre strategy is to make all visitors aware of the Indigenous history of this island. Indigenous students are able to see the centre's high levels of respect.