
Energy Efficiency


Energy Conservation

Konomie Island houses one of Australia's largest stand-alone alternative energy systems. The centre operates utilising natural resources to generate the electricity that enables the centre to function. The wind generator and large solar panel provide the basis for the Centre's electrical power. This is supplemented by street lights with their own solar panels and solar hot water systems in the accommodation cabins.

Energy studies at the centre can range from investigation of historical methods of power generation, various alternative energy strategies, the importance of energy conservation to the environmental effects of energy generation and consumption in our world, now, and into the future.

These studies promote student's awareness of and attitudes towards energy production and its impact on our immediate and global environment. As a result students have the opportunity to formulate a personal philosophy which they can apply everyday within their own, school and community environment. 

The Centre has a range of working models reflecting the eras of electricity/power production. The activities generated within this sphere of the Centre's operation provide a rich source of investigative challenge, real world significance and cross-curricular learning experiences.

Above: New solar lights

solar panels.jpg
Above: Solar power

The centre supports the solar schools program External link. State schools can gather data about their school’s energy use and develop strategies to reduce energy waste.   

The battery room has been upgraded and new batteries installed (May 2018). The batteries store electricity produced from the wind turbine and solar panels.  
Above: The battery room.

A Cabin new Energy Meters

Each student accommodation cabin ( A cabins) now has an energy meter to provide valuable data about energy usage. The students can collect and analyse the data to  monitor responsible use of energy.

Last reviewed 25 May 2023
Last updated 25 May 2023