Water Conservation
Water is a scarce and essential natural resource. Conserving and maintaining water quality is a critical component of maintaining the health of our environment and our quality of life. Konomie Island relies solely on rainfall for the water supply to service the education centre. This requires that an efficient means of collecting rainwater be instituted and
prudently managed to ensure the centre's continued viability.
In many instances this will be the students first introduction to the value and importance of water as a resource not only on Konomie Island, but also in their home and school lives and importantly the world as a whole.
The collection and utilisation of the Island’s water resource provides opportunities for learning experiences which are relevant to the core learning outcomes in the SOSE syllabus. The sustainability and use of the Island’s water resource provides opportunities for learning experiences which will meet core learning outcomes within the Place and Space, Time Continuity, and Change, and Systems, Resources and Power strands.
The learning activities which can be developed around this facet of Konomie Island’s operation encourages fertile cross curricular activities within all other key learning areas. Activities can be developed which not only contribute to particular core learning outcomes of all key learning areas, but importantly have an everyday application and real life relevance to the students lives.
The Konomie Island Environmental Centre's aim is for the students to accept and realise that they as an individual can make a difference to the environment in which they live.
Above: Water tanks
Above: Rainwater tank
Above: Water tanks
Above: Water meter
Each cabin has a new digital water meter to keep track of sustainable fresh water usage.
Visiting teachers can collect this data and the students can use an excel spreadsheet to create graphs to analyse for STEM.